[Giveaway] celebrate national I love Horses Day!

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July 15th is national I love Horses Day, a day to honor the impact horses have had not only on the development of human history, but on our daily lives. These strong, stunning creatures are full of wonder, and the much more we learn about them, the much more we love them. To celebrate the holiday, here are four fascinating things you may not have known about horses:

Horses have Been Our pals For Centuries. There’s evidence that the human-horse bond originated over 6000 years ago in central Asia. early humans not only used horses to travel long distances, but also may have drank their milk. Mare’s milk is still delighted in in some parts of the world for its health benefits, though it lacks casein and cannot be made into cheese. While equine dairy products may not be on your menu, we now recognize that horses have so much much more to offer – a powerful emotional bond unlike any other.

Horses really get Us. A 2016 study suggests that horses really do understand human facial expressions. They have developed to not only interpret our moods and emotions, but will also remember them, and may avoid a person who has appeared to be grumpy in the past, even if they have not done anything unfavorable.

Horses have complex emotions – and love To show Them. Horses form close-knit, lifelong bonds with their other horses as well as their favorite humans. They even mourn after the death of a loved one. You can pick up on a horse’s emotions by paying close attention to their body language and facial expressions. In fact, they have 17 distinct facial expressions, while our other close companion, the dog, only has 16. If you spend enough time around horses, you’ll also notice the way they express themselves in subtle ways, like a sigh or a twitch of an ear. Horses have so much to say to those who are prepared to listen.

Horses have A sweet Tooth. numerous animals, including cats, sea otters, and dolphins, lack the taste receptors to delight in sweet treats. Horses, on the other hand, absolutely love them. many healthy horses can indulge in a few peppermints, fruits and veggies like apples and carrots, and homemade treats sweetened with molasses. Sweets, when fed sparingly, are terrific for training and for introducing your horse to potentially stressful environments. In honor of I love Horses Day, why not share a sweet treat with your horse today?

To help you celebrate your love for your horse, we’re giving away a $250 shopping spree in the month of July.

The 1-800-PetMeds® I love Horses Giveaway runs from Wednesday 07/07 through Saturday 07/31. everyone who comments from 7/7 to 7/31/21 is eligible to win. प्रवेश गर्न, तल एक टिप्पणी छोड्नुहोस्। The winner will be randomly selected and notified on August 2nd.

Enter the 1-800-PetMeds® I love Horses Giveaway! You could win a $250 gift certificate that you can use to spoil your horse.

Win A $250 1-800-PetMeds® gift Certificate!Celebrate national I love Horses Day!  let us know below how much you love your horse and you could win a $250 gift cerfificate from 1800PetMeds®! The winner will be chosen at random on 8/2/21, so everyone who participates has a chance to win! (Limited to residents of the U.S.) good luck!  

Congrats to our winner Angie Markle in California, and her horse Jackson. look out for an email from us! This contest has ended, but you can still show your horse some love from 1-800-PetMeds®!

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